For registered eBay users with accounts in good standing, we’ve made it easy for you to make your privacy-related requests. To find out how, go here.

NOTICE: eBay is obligated to verify the identity of anyone to whom we release Personal Data to ensure that Personal Data is released to only authorised parties. If you submit your request using this form, you may be required to provide a separate Proof of Identity (POI) and Proof of Address (POA) for us to process your request. Any POI or POA you provide in connection will be used solely for the purpose of identity verification related to the request made. We may retain POI/POA as part of our record keeping and any personal data we store is covered by our normal Security and Privacy data protection policies.

For general customer support inquiries relating to activities such as buying, selling or payment issues, please contact eBay Customer Support. General customer service questions will not be answered if submitted by this form.

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Please note that eBay is required to verify the identity of everyone to whom we release personal data. To process your request, we will need your first name, surname, country of residence, site username (for registered eBay users), the email address registered to your account (for registered eBay users) or the email you used for any guest transactions (for non-registered users), and a description of the nature of your request. Before fulfilling your request, we'll ask you for proof of identity (POI) and proof of address (POA) to ensure that you are authorised to make the request. The POI/POA you provide will be used solely for the purpose of identity verification related to your privacy request, and will be processed and stored in accordance with our User Privacy Notice.